

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex facere aliquam adipisci officiis voluptatum necessitatibus, ducimus pariatur nihil minus explicabo delectus, quia possimus odio nobis fuga? Possimus ullam dolorum animi consequuntur magnam iure voluptatum ut voluptatibus porro. Numquam illum, vitae rem atque, culpa voluptatibus, sequi aliquid explicabo quibusdam sed magni.

Dynamic Media Test




Header Banner, text right, with eyebrow, logo lockup

Empowering Business With Actionable Insights

TEST Supercharge your digital operations with the power of analytics

TEST Supercharge your digital operations with the power of analytics

TEST Supercharge your digital operations with the power of analytics

TEST Supercharge your digital operations with the power of analytics

TEST Supercharge your digital operations with the power of analytics
TEST Supercharge your digital operations with the power of analytics

TEST Supercharge your digital operations with the power of analytics

TEST Supercharge your digital operations with the power of analyticsTEST Supercharge your digital operations with the power of analytics

Header Banner, text right, with eyebrow, logo lockup, video background/play button

Header Banner, text right, with eyebrow, RIGHT

Empowering Business With Actionable Insights

Supercharge your digital operations with the power of analytics

With digital analytics at the core of your operations, learn and adapt to customer preferences and needs to propel next-level outcomes.

Header Banner, text right, with eyebrow, LEFT

A Risk-Free Approach

Accelerate your cloud adoption journey

Header Banner, text left

Gaininsightfirst—thencodesolutions that inspire customers

Uncovering what your customers truly need means delivering production-ready digital apps developed at record speed.

Header Banner Carousel, text left

GainINSIGHTfirst—thencodesolutions that inspire customers olutions that inspire customers olutions that inspire customers

Uncovering what your customers truly need means delivering production-ready digital apps developed at record speed.

Slide 2 lorem ipsum dolor sit

Uncovering what your customers truly need means delivering production-ready digital apps developed at record speed.

Slide 3 lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing

Uncovering what your customers truly need means delivering production-ready digital apps developed at record speed.

Header Banner, text right, video background

Leadership, Belonging & Stewardship to Advance the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Takeaways from the World Economic Forum annual meeting

21–24 January 2020, Davos-Klosters, Switzerland

Header Banner, text left, video background

Leadership, Belonging & Stewardship to Advance the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Takeaways from the World Economic Forum annual meeting

21–24 January 2020, Davos-Klosters, Switzerland

Header Banner, text left, eyebrow, logo, video background

Imagine the work of the future

Work that we don't fully understand yet…that is weird, strange, unsettling, trivial and extremely stretching…that is not fit for our parents and will seem ridiculous to our kids.


Header Banner, text center

Gaininsightfirst­—thencodesolutions that inspire customers

Uncovering what your customers truly need means delivering production-ready digital apps developed at record speed.

Header Banner, text center, video background, TALL version (500px) with play button

Think Differently

Connect collaborate and craft your digital solutions

At the Cognizant Collaboratory, you can turn insights into business opportunities, reimagine your future and build the new digital economy.


Header Banner, text center, video background, TALL version (500px)

Think Differently

Connect collaborate and craft your digital solutions

At the Cognizant Collaboratory, you can turn insights into business opportunities, reimagine your future and build the new digital economy.

Header Banner, text center, video background, SHORT version (300px)

Think Differently

Connect collaborate and craft your digital solutions

At the Cognizant Collaboratory, you can turn insights into business opportunities, reimagine your future and build the new digital economy.

Future of Money, 2 column

Money 2020 Conference

October 22-25
Las Vegas, Nevada
Learn moreREGISTER

Philippe Dintrans
SVP & Chief Digital Officer, Cognizant

Christian Madsbjerg
Founder & Senior Partner, ReD Associates
humanizing banking: how customers feel about money & serving them better with Digital

In this keynote presentation, Philippe Dintrans and Christian Madsbjerg will share the latest findings from their “Future of Money” study.

Digital Transformation Header Banner, text left

Cognizant Named a Leader in Digital Transformation

The IDC MarketScape recognizes our capabilities in planning, design, execution and management of digital transformation services for our customers.

Video plus image background (Homepage)

6 ways to be digitally Cognizant and create new levels of value

Watch our videos to learn more about industry-specific solutions woven deeply across the enterprise.


Video1-A (Play in modal)

Cognizant Digital Works™


Video1-A2, left aligned, no RFS (Play in modal)

Industry 4.0 is revolutizing manufacturing. Are you ready?

Insight to Code combines a proven understanding of customer needs with a lean and agile software development process.

Video1-A2, left aligned, with RFS (Play in modal)

Industry 4.0 is revolutizing manufacturing. Are you ready?

Insight to Code combines a proven understanding of customer needs with a lean and agile software development process.

Video1-B (Play in modal, Plyr plugin)

Cognizant Digital Works™


Video1-C (Play in place)

Cognizant Digital Works™





Global innovation ecosystem


Donec Congue Lacinia Dui, A Porttitor Lectus Condimentum Laoreet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Perferendis, provident sed corporis non enim, nihil vel facere illo autem, quis nisi officia aut voluptatem earum? Nesciunt non, blanditiis iusto natus.


New technologies make healthcare more personal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores corporis excepturi libero at, possimus, alias animi nesciunt obcaecati commodi nobis doloribus molestias et ipsam expedita labore eius porro, aperiam officiis!

Play video


Helping insurance companies

Focus on prevention

Helping leading banks

Make better lending decisions

Helping media companies

Create more immersive experiences

Helping life sciences companies

Personalize health living subscriptions

Helping leading manufacturers

Make things that automatically think and do

Helping doctors, insurers and patients

Unite on a collaborative care platform

Building businesses that outpace change.

Intelligent software plugged into the internet of things, fueled by AI and running natively on the cloud. That’s how Cognizant is helping businesses get ahead—and stay ahead.

Corporate fact sheet

Corporate overview